Jacob Romeo Lecuyer- Teaching experience and course qualifications.

Teaching Disciplines:  Foundations Studies, Media arts and Animation, Game art and design.

Course Name and Description
Undergraduate Coursework Relevant to Class Competencies
Graduate Coursework Relevant to Competencies
Professional experience Relevant to Competencies
MA: Media arts and animation
FS: Foundation studies
GA: Game art

MA1112 Drawing & Anatomy                
Continuing to develop the basic drawings course, students will focus on rendering life forms in space.  Emphasis will be placed on the basic anatomical structures of human and animal forms.

MA1122 Character & Object Design 
This course features the initial development of dramatic/comedic characterizations of animate and inanimate objects for later use in 2-D and 3-D animations.

MA/GA2504 Comparative Anatomy
This course is a concentrated course focusing on comparative anatomy, form and gesture of both humans and animals. Students study anatomical structure learning to apply comparative anatomy systems using geometric shapes to understand action, analysis of form, construction, and expressive drawing. Students learn how to simplify muscle shapes and how to spot boney landmarks by doing extensive study and comparison of the structures to understand bones and muscles in movement for both quadrupeds and bipeds.

MA3304 Advanced Drawing for Animation
Building on knowledge from preceding drawing courses, students develop their drawing skills in the context of professional media arts and animation applications. This course places emphasis on advanced drawing techniques and strengthening

FS101 Fundamentals/ Observational Drawing
This course is a fundamental drawing course where the students will explore various art and media and learn to use a variety of drawing tools. This course involves the observation and translation of three-dimensional form into two-dimensional drawings. Starting with simple shapes and progressing to more complex organic forms, students will build skill levels in composition, line quality, use of tone and human anatomy.

FS122 Image Manipulation
Students are introduced to basic image manipulation skills in a raster-based computer environment. Emphasis is placed on mastering the fundamentals of scanning, color management, photo retouching, imaging, special effects, filters, and masks.

FS102 Fundamentals of Design
The basic elements and principles of graphic design are introduced in this course. The purpose of this course is to develop firm foundation in layout and organize design elements for a variety of visual effects.

FS103 Color Theory
In this course students explore color theory, including additive and subtractive color. Color and its relationship to composition, through harmony and contrast are explored.

FS111 Drawing, Proportion, & Perspective
This course is a fundamental drawing course with an emphasis on perspective. Students draw 3-D objects in one-, two- and three-point perspective.

GA2201 Game Design & Game Play
A well-designed game is an integration of artistic and technological component that must have a clearly defined goal, set of game criteria, and rules for game play. Students learn the fundamentals of what makes a game enjoyable, playable, challenging, and marketable.

363B Digital Illustration
This course explores the complex visual problems and techniques that a digitally based illustrator will face in the current marketplace. Technical exploration includes the blending of traditional and digital illustration techniques.

MAD-193 Introduction to 2D animation.
The course explores the fundamental of 2D animation focusing on such principles as: solid drawing, appeal, squash and stretch, arcs, timing, and exaggeration.  

B.F.A., Studio Art
Humboldt State University

University of Western Sydney, Australia
Studies in Animation and sequential art

Related coursework:
Principles of animation
Principles of sequential art
Design Fundamentals
Figure Drawing
Painting from Life
Digital Illustration
Art History


Related Coursework:
See Above

•Watts Atelier 
•Studio Second Street
•LA Figurative Art
•Concept Design Academy

2008- 2012
M.A. Illustration
California State University, Fullerton

Related Coursework:
Rendering in Pencil
Rendering in Oil
Figure Drawing
Figure Construction
Figure Painting
Portrait Painting
Plein-Air Painting
Design Fundamentals
Perspective Study
Color Theory
Anatomical Sculpture
Animal Anatomy Study
Human Anatomy Study
Traditional Illustration
Digital Illustration
Character Design
Concept Design
Background Painting
Illustration History
Animation History
Visual Story Telling
Story Telling And Sequential Art

 Related Coursework:
See Above

Professional Experience:

• Animation /Illustration/ Design/: Barton Studios - Sydney, Australia

Animation/ Motion Graphics / Illustration: YWAM - Osaka, Japan

• Visual Development (Concept art animation and 3D-Modeling): Beyond Extreme, Sports park - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

• Illustrator (book illustration): Spectrum 17 , The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art

• Illustrator (book illustration): Steampunk: the Beginning

• Illustrator (book illustration): Iron John and Other Brothers Grimm Faerie Stories

Illustrator (card art): Upperdeck, Sports Cards

Illustration (Apparel illustration): West Surf Apparel – San Diego

Illustration (Wake board, apparel, advertising illustration): Blind Side/ Doubleup , Wakeboards

Illustration: (advertising and apparel illustration): Prophetik Apparel- San Francisco

Instructor: California State University Fullerton

Instructor: The Art Institute - San Diego/Orange County

Shows and Exhibitions
• March 2012: Steampunk: the Beginning
 Begovich Gallery: Fullerton, CA

•March 2012: Evolving Narratives
 West Gallery: Fullerton, CA

•June 2011: Dwell
 Grand Central Art Center: Santa Ana, CA

•June 2011: ekpneo: I let go
 Grand Central Art Center: Santa Ana, CA

•March 2011: Iron John 
 East Gallery CSUF: Fullerton, CA

•Feb 2011: Digital World  
 Irvine Valley College Gallery: Irvine, CA

•November 2010: Happy Hour: works  
 Memphis Gallery: Santa Ana, CA

•October 2010: Roost  
 Grand Central Art Center: Santa Ana, CA

•September 2010: Current Crop  
 Metro Pomona: Pomona, CA

•August 2009: Drawn Together
 Grand Central Art Center: Santa Ana, CA

•August 2005: Salon 2nd Street 2005
  Studio 2nd Street: Encinitas, CA

•January 2001: Metamorphosis
 Downtown Osaka: Osaka, Japan

•July 2000: Healing Arts
 Blacktown Hospital: Blacktown, Australia